Saturday, November 26, 2011

CCHSA Medal Finals!

We had so much fun at the CCHSA Medal Finals last weekend! The courses were very challenging but our riders and horses performed beautifully! Sam and Slater picked up a blue ribbon in the Novice Eq jumping class! Gabby rode great despite a minor "green" moment from Ponyella! Our adults were a blast... all 5 of them! Had the outside warm up ring been judged, Shelby and Tommy would have won that class! We had some good ribbons (blues included) in the Adult Eq division by our team. In the medal class Erin & Mojito, Krissy & Johnny, Kaley & Christopher, and Amy & Excel placed 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th respectively. Congrats to all of our riders! Go Team BC!
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the tailgate party! Jeff Camp set up his camper and we had hot chili, cold drinks and everything in between to keep us warm and full in between classes! Thanks for a great time!

Friday, November 18, 2011


We wish EVERYONE showing at the Chester County Medal Finals this Sunday at Wyndsor GOOD LUCK and lots of FUN! We are excited to have a big crew joining us this year! We are having a tailgate party (organized by Amy Thompson!) at the trailer so please come and enjoy food, beverage, and friends and cheer your teammates on! Stay tuned for results.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Cross Country Clinic was AWESOME!!

Everyone had so much fun on Friday jumping down banks, in & out of the ring and over the bounces! We rode all over the farm and jumped whatever we saw! Lynn said she was "riding cross country in her head" hours later! It was a great fun day! We will plan to do some more cross country riding before it gets too cold.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wellspring's Gala - Available For Sale!


2005 13h Bay Mare
"PonyElla" is a very sweet and willing pony.She is beautiful to look at, jumps and moves in gorgeous form and is a pleasure to work with.

She has been started correctly and is currently showing successfully in the Children's Hunter Pony division. PonyElla is brave to the jumps, swaps her leads and is great with children.
She could do short stirrup through the pony hunters and is ready to go!

She is eligible green.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What a Weekend!

We had quite a horse show weekend at Banbury Cross this past weekend. Denise wins the trainer award for the weekend, that is for sure. She started early at Wyndsor on Saturday, went to Our Farm with ponies, and then back to Wyndsor for the late shift. Then she was up early and off to Our Farm again Sunday morning.
Add Teo's party and a few lessons in there and that's a pretty busy weekend!
Thanks Denise for being so amazing!
We had lots of tricolors this weekend, including Gabby and PonyElla, Logan and Sundance, Erin and Mojito, and 2 for Christopher - 1 with Kaley and 1 with Casey!

Everyone did a great job and won ribbons in their divisions - JD and Cheyenne, Sam and Slater, Cawood and Johnny, and Kayla and Tucker all had successful shows.
A special congratulations to Logan on winning his FIRST blue ribbon and his FIRST reserve champion ribbon! Way to go team BC!