Thursday, September 6, 2012


We had such a great horse show this year at Ludwig's Corner!  Congrats to all of our riders on their stellar riding! 
Sam & Wendel with Casey
We had a crazy day on Saturday with 10 horses showing all at one time! We could not have pulled that off without our wonderful helpers. Many many thanks to our regular BC Staff who are amazing all the time, and to our helpers for the day; Liz, Marybeth, Cawood, Sam, Lynda, Lynn, Ashley, and I am sure there were more of you! You all helped to make it a great day! It was hot on Saturday but everyone survived and I know we had at least one tricolor (Shiree & Bobby) and many many ribbons & smiles! Congrats to Bonnie & Beau on their first show in a long time! Tucker & Grace and Marybeth & Heyboy were fantastic as always.  And our adult eq riders (Kaley & Amy) need to work on their leads but showed very good sportsmanship and were a blast as always!  Our lead liners took the cake though and were absolutely adorable!  Paige, Ainsley & Eva were the stars!  Congrats everyone!

Cawood & Emma (right too!)

Paige & Sundance with Miss Becca
Sunday was a bit calmer but we were busy all day with our horses and riders!  Cawood & Emma got great ribbons.  Sam & Wendel did the Children's Pony Hunters and were spectacular!  Grace & Tucker had another amazing day.  Gabby & Johnny were adorable as always!  And Burdock was a star with Joelle aboard in the Working Fox Hunter Division - lead changes and everything! 
Shiree & Bobby (below too!)
Joelle & Burdock (Burdock says, "these things in my mane kinda make my brain hurt")
We ended the horse show with more rain and insanely wet conditions!  Jacqui and Emma rocked the house with their performance in the Hopeful Jumpers, earning 3rd place out of 40!  So awesome!  Cawood & Emma and Gabby & Johnny had another great day despite the weather.  
The DreamTeam lead liners - Peanut, Sundance & Snoopy
Ainsley & Snoopy with "Papa"

Eva & Peanut (The Peanut Team) with "Grammy"
 Thank you to everyone on a really fun horse show.  It's a team effort here at BC and we couldn't do what we do without our amazing staff, horses and riders.  Thank you!

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